New Year's Eve was spent in New York. A good time was had by all. Iron Chef was watched by me and my homies. Didn't find out who won the tournament of the iron chefs though...
Flight out to SB on the 2nd (yesterday). Long day of traveling. Oog.
Walked around SB and vicinity today. Met cool people by the names of : Kraymer, Eric, and Andersen. More on that later (one's a furniture designer, one's a kiteboarder, and one's a baker).
Uploaded my new version of PC Set Analyzer. Now tells you prime form info as well as transposition/inversion/retrograde/retrograde inversion info. Go check it out. There's even a FAQ. More features to come. The link is also in the sidebar now. Yeah, it's still in JavaScript...blah.
Mom visited SB (hence the walking around SB today). Got to drive her to LAX tomorrow morning. Sleep time.
Down/up-loading more anime. yippee. More imouto love, random powers, and vampire princesses.
// posted by Me @ 1/03/2004 11:42:00 PM