Epson CX5400. More later.
// posted by Me @ 11/15/2003 06:42:00 PM
"Oh I see, the all intelligent machines came up with a convoluted way to use humans as batteries rather than just BUILD A TALL TOWER TO PUT THE SOLAR PANEL ON???!!!"
Huhuh. right. I didn't even bother to think about it but that's interesting. Why the hell did the machines need "human battery power" anyway?
And why do the machines need some convoluted way of presenting a FACE to a human?
Damn...I'm not going to think about this anymore...
// posted by Me @ 11/15/2003 12:29:00 AM
Whoa...it's actually raining here in Santa Barbara. Doesn't happen often. Not only that, big flashes of lightning are streaking acorss the sky. Cool. I need to sleep. I need my beauty rest. Especially since someone just told me today that I look like ASS (to paraphrase). *ahem*
// posted by Me @ 11/12/2003 01:02:00 AM
So I think I might focus on "Development of the Technique Traidic Superimposition in the 20th Century" or something like that for my studies. Problem is though, people like Dmitri (Flash ho!) and Timothy Johnson have talked about triadic superimposition in stravinsky/adams. And since Adams is the reason I got into triadic superimposition in the first place (before I ready Johnson's or Tymoczko's papers, I'll have you know), I'd have to look at other composers/pieces to see how this technique is used in defusing tonality or, in Adam's case, going back to using some tonal harmonic vocabulary, though in a different context. That previous sentence made no sense. It's like a sentence I read in International Piano Quarterly that went something like "...and all the discples of Schenker, who died in 1953, blah blah blah...". Of course that morbid modifier was meant for the Deutsch guy but it sounds like all his discples pulled a Haley-Bopp on him and went with him in 1953. Watch those modifiers! And don't dangle your prepositions hanging around at the end of a setence don't ya know.
// posted by Me @ 11/12/2003 01:00:00 AM
After finding "404 Nicht Gefunden" on a German site, I come across this:Anus' HomePage - Home. How unfortunate.
// posted by Me @ 11/11/2003 12:00:00 PM
// posted by Me @ 11/10/2003 08:35:00 PM
Wow...google is cool.
I'm always amazed at how one can find information on google if one really tries. Was trying to confirm somebody's name this time and a couple of searches later, there it is. I need to sleep.
// posted by Me @ 11/10/2003 01:07:00 AM
Hmm...if you feel are feeling lucky and you happen to use Google's "I'm feeling lucky" button on the query "butt", this is what you get. I guess that's the most relevant butt site on the net according to google...what is wrong with me?
// posted by Me @ 11/10/2003 12:28:00 AM
This is an one post invasion. Booya.
// posted by Anonymous @ 11/09/2003 12:04:00 AM